Is there a way to add a value to the confirmation message after I get information back from a post?
For example, in the functions.php I would add something like
add_action("gform_post_submission", "send_post", 10, 2);
function send_post$entry, $form) {
$user_fname = $entry['1.3'];
$user_password = $entry['2'];
$post_data= array('name' => $user_fname, 'pwd' => user_password);
$client = new SoapClient("my.wsdl");
$the_file = $client->getFileName($post_data);
I would like to display the the_file in the confirmation message.
Can I use the gform_update_meta or is there another way?
Then call it in the confirmation message?
<p align="left">
Dear {Name (First):1.3},
<p align="left">
You file is at {the_file}