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(doc) Feature Request: CSS Gallery

  1. dnb


    Here's a small request that I think would make customers happy: I would love to see even a small gallery of example and/or donated CSS-styled GF forms that people would be welcome to crib the CSS from. Questions about two/multicolumn forms come up here so regularly that I think having one place to find examples would be a great resource to the community. If you didn't want to host actual forms, maybe people would be willing to say "Sure, feel free to copy an example from my site, here's the URL..." You may even wish to provide an incentive for this sort of sharing by giving away free licenses. I could see extra pretty ones going in some sort of pre-customer showcase as well.

    Thanks for even considering this idea.

    -- dNb

    P.S. This idea came about because I recently went back over the forum archives to find some ideas along this line. Both Kevin and Carl have done a great job of answering CSS questions, but their answers are scattered all throughout the entire archive.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 21, 2010 | Permalink
  2. Hey dnb - I am actually going to be adding this to the Gravity Forms Directory & Addons plugin in the next months.

    I agree that this is sorely needed. I was planning on modding the cForms styles as well as some Wufoo styles to start with.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 21, 2010 | Permalink
  3. dnb

    Zack: cool, any help in this regard would be great.

    I think I'm missing something, though. How would this gallery interact with your plugin? Are you planning on having it show examples and provide the CSS for them?

    -- dNb

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 21, 2010 | Permalink
  4. I'm simply planning on including the CSS files as a bundle in the plugin, not having a website with a gallery of options.

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 21, 2010 | Permalink
  5. I am Max


    A marketplace of free/paid styled forms would be nice

    Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday September 21, 2010 | Permalink
  6. George

    Brilliant idea. Styling the form should be as easy as creating the form.

    cforms handles it well, though many of the syles are rather clunky.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday September 22, 2010 | Permalink
  7. To answer some questions as far as why we don't have form styles for download here, we strongly believe that a site's theme should drive the look and feel of a site, including it's forms. The default styles for Gravity Forms were designed in such a way that they are unobtrusive and should look good with most themes.

    We have considered creating an add-on that will let you style the forms, pick colors, etc. although we aren't 100% sure if we will create this as at the end of the day your theme should dictate what your site looks like.

    But we are still considering creating such an add-on.

    Posted 14 years ago on Wednesday September 22, 2010 | Permalink
  8. dnb

    Hi Carl-
    I definitely agree that the site theme should drive the look. The idea here would be to provide examples so people could use them as the basis of customizing their own forms to match their themes. Sort of a "learn-by-example so you can do the right thing", um, thing.

    I was mostly proposing an extension to your (excellent but generic) documentation, so it would be easy to see how to apply the stuff in the doc in practice. And given the number and repetition of various CSS related questions here about stuff like two-column forms, it seems like it would be welcome and could cut down on your support load around the issue.

    I wasn't suggesting a full-bore CSS generator, though I wonder if a webapp like the various tutorials on the web that show you the results of various CSS settings wouldn't also hit the spot.

    -- dNb

    P.S. And the more examples, the merrier! Would love to see Zack's proposed work on this as well.

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday September 26, 2010 | Permalink
  9. I would respectfully say that we are using this plugin because we don't want to construct this capability ourselves. I would extend that by saying that I buy themes because I don't have to come up with the layout and stying and can focus on content and other matters. I really don't see the logic in NOT supplying some generic skin options (3d effects, color, etc). Give us the option to skin it like jqtransform or niceforms.

    Having tried the new Platform theme I have the same issues with that. Very powerful, looks horrible and I don't feel like investing in one off development efforts for each website.

    At a minimum I'd figure out a way for some innovation through co-creation, providing a means for others to develop and sell this functionality easily. Maybe it's there and no one is jumping on it but "HEY YOU", I'm sitting here waiting for something to purchase, if you're out there. I don't have time to ski all of the forms on all of my websites :)

    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday January 22, 2011 | Permalink
  10. @mikeboysen

    As mentioned before, we may provide some kind of skin/theme style options in the future. The main problem is that Gravity Forms is not a stand-alone system, it's meant to be integrated with an existing theme and was designed specifically to inherit much of it's styling from the theme itself. Since it's being included in a themed application, it's also very difficult to prevent the form from inheriting styling properties from the parent.

    Gravity Forms are intentionally generic in their design. The forms come with a simple, default layout and styles that are easily manipulated with some basic CSS. If you're not comfortable with that or just want something easier, there are several theme providers who are including Gravity Forms specific styles in their themes. Organic Themes, Woo Themes and Gorilla Themes are a few that come to mind.

    If you're not interested in one of their themes or can't find something you like, I would be happy to recommend some designers/developers who could provide styling assistance for you.

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday January 23, 2011 | Permalink
  11. phirefly

    although I agree the theme should drive the style it is a shame there is no sample css / skins for those of us with less css knowledge.

    It is one of the main things that is missing in this great plugin - the ability to style without editing the code.

    I would certainly vote for sample css / skins or a built-in basic css editor.

    Posted 13 years ago on Sunday October 9, 2011 | Permalink

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