Here's a small request that I think would make customers happy: I would love to see even a small gallery of example and/or donated CSS-styled GF forms that people would be welcome to crib the CSS from. Questions about two/multicolumn forms come up here so regularly that I think having one place to find examples would be a great resource to the community. If you didn't want to host actual forms, maybe people would be willing to say "Sure, feel free to copy an example from my site, here's the URL..." You may even wish to provide an incentive for this sort of sharing by giving away free licenses. I could see extra pretty ones going in some sort of pre-customer showcase as well.
Thanks for even considering this idea.
-- dNb
P.S. This idea came about because I recently went back over the forum archives to find some ideas along this line. Both Kevin and Carl have done a great job of answering CSS questions, but their answers are scattered all throughout the entire archive.