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Drop Down Form Question

  1. webs2

    I'm just trying to learn this, brand new user and If I have a drop down that has been prepopulated with country names, but I added an option that says

    --- Choose Country --- (I added this one so need it to show for instructions to the user) and want choose country to shop up first in the drop down but don't want that value submitted because the user must suggest another value to submit the form.

    They will need to choose a Location

    American Samoa

    1. How is this done (to have instruction as first drop down option like most other drop downs are used online but not to allow the user to leave the instruction selected, they must select another value in the drop down?

    2. Is there a way to reorder the list of the prefilled countries, so that US is 2nd?

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 14, 2011 | Permalink
  2. In order to do what you want to do we are going to start over.

    - Delete your country field
    - Add a new drop down field to your form
    - Edit this drop down field
    - Click the Bulk Add/Predefined Choices button
    - Select Countries from the left hand pane of the Bulk Add window
    - Countries will appear in the right hand pane, you can edit this information and move United States to the top by removing it from where it is, and adding it as the first item. Now also add your placeholder above United States (ex. Select A Country or whatever you want to use).
    - You should end up with something that looks like this:
    - Now click the Update Choices button

    Now your drop down should be populated with the countries with United States at the top and your place holder as the first item. Now let's set it so that placeholder isn't allowable.

    In order for this to work you have to set this field as Required, otherwise validation won't be triggered.

    - Check the "enable values" checkbox next to Choices
    - Remove the value for "Select A Country" or whatever your placeholder is called so it has no value.
    - Check the "Required" checkbox under Rules
    - You should end up with field settings that look like this:
    - Save your form

    Posted 14 years ago on Friday January 14, 2011 | Permalink
  3. webs2

    Thank you so much for the detailed help. I will try this.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday January 17, 2011 | Permalink
  4. lalomarquez

    Great! This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you!

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday February 13, 2012 | Permalink

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