Not sure if you got what I was explaining in my first post my first. Excuse me for posting again.
The drop down that has "new venue" as the default item is displaying a little strangely when hovered. Even though I have specified a medium length box to display, it shows very narrow and small. Even if I go into the back end and select large for the field size, it still shows small.
When you then look at the drop downs you see another issue. The coverable grey area goes way out of the box as do some of the longer venue names.
Using development tools it seems there is some issue with the css.
If I increase the margin here to 170px (as a test in the web browser) then everything seems to fit in well.
Without brute forcing this one with an important css declaration, is there something else I can do?
Posted 12 years ago on Monday December 17, 2012 |