Hello, i have got the dutch translation (thanks Jan Egbert). I put the file in map languages. Must i change gravitforms.php for the nl_NL.mo and .pot??
Hello, i have got the dutch translation (thanks Jan Egbert). I put the file in map languages. Must i change gravitforms.php for the nl_NL.mo and .pot??
You place the translation file here:
Then you need to set your WordPress install to use Dutch as the language. It should then recognize the setting and pull the necessary translation from the plugin language folder.
Keep the language file handy as you will have to re-apply it after updates to the Gravity Forms plugin.
Thanks Carl! It works nice now.
Does this mean I cannot have several forms each using their own language on one website ? If so this is a real issue for me, would it be possible to consider being able to enter the language in a form properties in a next version ?
Best regards.
Sorry for the newbie question, but my WP is in French indeed (define ('WPLANG', 'fr_FR');), I placed the new files fr_FR.po and fr_FR.mo in /httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/languages/ but still the plugin shows no translation. Anything I overlooked ?
Best regards.
Language files are for translating the admin end of the plugin, not the front end. The front end is controlled by you creating the form. If you want a form in another language you create the form and type in the name, descriptions, etc. in that language.
You sent over the French translation files, we will check them out on our end and see what is going on.