Hi, I've been using GF for a while now and am hoping to do a quite basic classifieds styled form, I've looked on the forums and have seen one or two mentions that it might be possible but can't see a solution, maybe someone can point me in right direction. In essence it would be a form with general information on it (name, contact details etc.) then the complicated bit with four fields that would all go towards making a price:
1. The text of a classified (which would need to be word count based), i.e. first 16 words are £6.89 and each additional word is 9p
2. A drop down menu option for a border or not (extra charge depending on which option chosen)
3. Additional artwork checkbox which has eight options (and choosing one adds an additional fee)
4. A photo upload option, if a photo was uploaded it would then add £3.20 onto the price
Anyone know a) if this is doable with GF and b) if there's documentation or would it require custom work? Thanks in advance