Hello there, I'm new to Gravity forms but very excited about the possibilities offered by this plugin
I have a custom post type for "Products". Each Product has a "Category" assigned by a custom taxonomy. Each Product has also certain custom fields, ie for "price" and other details (such as predefined quantities).
Can I generate a list of Gravity Form product options querying posts from a specific category?
I see the product options field consist of: label + value + price
I want to generate values with post titles, labels with post titles but link those to Product page (post), then price to be set from custom field of the product-post. I need to do this for Products belonging to different categories in my custom taxonomy.
I found this post: http://www.gravityhelp.com/forums/topic/dynamically-populating-checkboxes-with-post-titles-from-a-specific-category
for generic checkboxes, but product options field are a bit different, since the presence of a price field attached to each option
can you help me figuring out how to achieve what I want please?