Hi David,
thanks for your Documentation Link. Blame on my I didn't have a look there first.
After some tries, i could successfully dynamically populate my drop-down. I am struggling with the query of the posts though. After a few hours of tries I decided to come back to you, maybe you have an idea.
I am using This as reference, for populating my dropdown.
So far so good, my titles from custom_posts show up. I am using post_type=myCustomPostType for this. I would now like to filter the titles, to only those of a certain taxonomy. For this I use the function get_posts like this:
Unfortunately, this always queries all of the custom posts, and not only those in the taxonomy i would like. The filter doesn't apply.
I also tried the variant with the building of the args array:
i even tried the 'suppress_filters' => false, argument, coz i had read about it in connection to the get_posts() function. In addition, i tried swapping get_posts() with query_posts(). Still no Luck .
any ideas why my filters are not being applied?
Thanks ahead and kind regards,
Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday October 11, 2011 |