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Edit entry columns giving site index

  1. Hi GF,
    Have found a similar topic and followed the response, but not working.

    When I click the 'Edit' icon to edit the entries columns I get my sites index. I have the site installed in a sub-directory.
    I have updated to latest version of GF and tried a few browsers with no success.
    Any hints???

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 3, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hello, posted this a few days ago.

    "When I click the 'Edit' icon to edit the entries columns from within the dashboard, I get my sites index in a pop up window. I have the my site installed in a sub-directory.
    I have updated to latest version of GF and tried a few browsers with no success. I Need to edit the column view to show other columns. Absolutely necessary! PLEASE reply with option to fix or troubleshoot.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 7, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Hi Amanda.

    Can't tell you for sure what that might be without seeing it happen. You'll need to send us an admin login to your site via our contact form so we can check this out.

    Please reference this topic URL so we can refer back to it.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday February 7, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Hi Amanda.

    I got your login info and poked around a bit. So, yes, the sub-directory is the problem with the popup/modal window.. if you look at these 2 URLs you'll find that the first one with the sub-directory in the path is broken (returns to index of the site folder) which is what's being loaded by default. The second URL without the subdirectory resolves just fine.


    You might need to review the directions for moving the WordPress installation to a sub-directory. Something's obviously not 100% correct with the setup.

    Also, yes, in response to your other question on the contact form, you do have a post field in your form. The "image" field is actually the "post image" so it's seeing that and creating a draft post for each of your form submissions.


    You'll want to replace that and use the standard file upload field for your images and just limit the file extensions to approved image types.

    Hope that helps point you in the right direction.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday February 15, 2012 | Permalink
  5. Hi Kevin, thanks for that RE Post:

    I have double checked everything on my sub directory install, all is installed to Wordpress specs, I also checked my index.php file and my .htaccess file - all correct and in the correct place. I have permalinks set up and everything else through the site seems to be working fine, including internal hyperlinks and other modal windows ie. images etc.
    I did find this post by Hyperarts - that deals with using the Cform plugin and a workaround for the same kind of problem "cforms appears to assume your WordPress installation is in the document root of your website, instead of in a subdirectory " could Gravity Forms also be assuming I have installation in the root directory and not a subdirectory? Thanks

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday February 15, 2012 | Permalink
  6. I have the same problem. I am trying to change the columns displayed on the form entries and am unable to do so.

    I opened the column edit panel in a new tab and it was pointing the install in the sub directory. Simply removing the sub directory in the address bar allowed me to open the tab properly, but i was unable to save anything I changed.

    I also have installed the plugin called "Bettwr WP Security" that made some rewrite changes to the htaccess. I removed these but it did not fix the issue.

    I have tried this on a website where WordPress was not installed in a sub directory and had no problem access the column settings.

    So it seems obvious this has something to do with the subdirectory install of wordpress.

    Any help on this would be great. Thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday February 20, 2012 | Permalink
  7. I just found a work around for me... not nice, but it worked. I'm using Chrome, but I expect this will work elsewhere.

    I tried all sorts of redirects in the htaccess file. no go.

    Step 1 - inspect element
    Then I opened the the page, and right clicked the column settings link. (technically I cmd click since I'm on a mac). I selected "inspect element"

    Step 2 - html rewrite
    I rewrote the html (in the inspector window ) of the page to remove the sub directory. I guess you could do this if you have firebug installed or if you use chrome. I simply found the line of code, right clicked it, and "edit as html".

    Once this was done I could select the link on the current page and get the pop up to work properly.

    Not exactly "user friendly" but it worked and it wasn't hard.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday February 20, 2012 | Permalink
  8. ricarod

    Is there a definite solution for this? Seem like I posted incorrectly before since I was commenting about this on a different threat but will now copy-paste here hopping this is the right place to get an answer.
    @ChrisHajer, Hi Chris and thank you for your email. Yes the issue persist so I've put together this 11 second video showing it. Basically issue is:

    1. After login to WP go to FORMS
    2. Hit PREVIEW to any existing form
    3. Browser don't do the PREVIEW but shows you directory listing

    Watch video here:

    More about the scenario: this came up as a result of some changes to site:

    a). Originally site was physically located in a subfolder called 'wp' on the domain. That is
    b). Site was redesign and new site was located at
    c). Once the new site ( was ready to be alive SOME DB importing on forms from gravity were done from site at to site at

    Here's where the issue was detected but again, you'll be able to visualize the issue on this video:

    PS: If you need back end access to troubleshoot the issue please confirm secure email address where to provide that info not publicly of course.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday September 17, 2012 | Permalink
  9. ricarod

    Following advice from TownsendCreatio here's more info (please see this:

    Hovering over PREVIEW reveals URL where site is located however overwriting the link using the inspector and getting rid of the 'bark' folder shows the form but this change is not definitely applied from inspector so I wonder if these links are generated dinamically since only one reference to it is found on the DB and replacing it does not fixed the issue.

    Now if link is dynamically generated, where should this be edit?

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday September 17, 2012 | Permalink
  10. @ricarod, it does not seem like WordPress was moved correctly to give it a new directory. Did you follow the relevant instructions here?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 18, 2012 | Permalink
  11. ricarod

    Hi Chris thank you for your email. Actually the WP wasn't moved but some entries from gravity where imported from a clone of the site located on a different directory. Makes sense?

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 18, 2012 | Permalink
  12. It does not really make sense. This is not a common problem. Can you ensure that both the WordPress URL and website URL on the general settings page of your site?

    If those are correct, please try visiting the permalinks page of your admin and just resave the settings without making any changes.

    See if either of those things help.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 18, 2012 | Permalink
  13. Also, the directory listing has nothing to do with Gravity Forms but is due to your server configuration. Any folder without an index file will show a directory listing, on your server. To turn this 'feature' off, add this to your website's .htaccess file:

    Options -Indexes
    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday September 18, 2012 | Permalink