I am trying to set up 2 hidden fields to pass cookie information back to our automated marketing system (Eloqua) for all of our forms. See this form: http://www.thunderhead.com/hidden/how-to-make-your-bank-more-beloved/
I’ve created the fields in Gravity Forms in WordPress with these rules:
elqCustomerGUID should pass to Eloqua with a blank value (value="”)
properties field label = elqCustomerGUID
advanced insert merge tag default value = ""
Yes allow field to be dynamically populated
Parameter name: elqCustomerGUID
elqCookieWrite should pass to Eloqua with value="0"
properties field label = elqCookieWrite
Advanced insert merge tag default value = "0"
Yes allow field to be dynamically populated
Parameter name: elqCookieWrite
So far what I've done isn’t working, so what I’ve done is not correct.
What am I doing wrong?