Hey there, I'm using catalysttheme.com on my site http://www.thelocalgood.ca and the form works but the email's not going out. it worked on my catalyst site http://www.marketingforhippies.com so i don't think it's the theme itself.
Hey there, I'm using catalysttheme.com on my site http://www.thelocalgood.ca and the form works but the email's not going out. it worked on my catalyst site http://www.marketingforhippies.com so i don't think it's the theme itself.
Gravity Forms hands off the email notification to wp_mail() immediately, so any mail delivery issues are outside the control of Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms gives you a lot of control over who the email appears to come from, and multiple recipients and the like, and some servers choke on that. The wp_mail() function relies on the underlying MTA of your host, and every host is different.
To make your notifications more reliable, please start by installing an SMTP plugin if you are not already using one. We normally recommend one of these two:
There can be issues on the receiving end as well (Google Apps for your Domain and Gmail sometimes both have a problem) but normally an SMTP plugin takes care of 99% of the problem with email notifications not going out.
if i add both plugins will that cause any problems?
Do not add both plugins. You only need one. I like WP Mail SMTP personally. They both do the same thing: hijack the wp_mail function and allow you to use your own authenticated SMTP server to deliver the mail for you.
got it. and once i've installed them is there anything i need to do to make it work? i installed it and tried a form again and it didn't work but perhaps i am missing something? thanks for the support. i use the forms all the time on my other site and i love them.
You need to configure it with your SMTP server settings. Then, send a test to make sure it works. From that point forward, it works seamlessly.
Which plugin did you install? I can send you the link to configure it on your site if I know which one you are using.
you're the best! i used the http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-mail-smtp/ and i have no idea how to do this configuring so a link would be most helpful.
That page has all the options. You will need the details for an SMTP server you can use. Sometimes your web host provides one. Sometimes you can use gmail/google. Sometimes you can use your ISP. I use sendgrid (a paid service.) Basically, you need a server somewhere that will let you use them to send your email. Normally, you authenticate yourself so they know you are authorized, and they take it from there.
Here is a screenshot of my settings for that page: http://minus.com/lbjJa183c9QXmQ
If I use gmail . . . i'm really not sure how to fill this form in at all. i'm soooo not a techy . . .
like i'm not sure if i should
Send all WordPress emails via SMTP?
Use the PHP mail() function to send emails?
what would i type in SMTP Host? SMTP Port?
Encryption? Authentication?
is Username and Password the ones from my gmail?
thanks again for your support.
The only drawback when using Gmail is that they rewrite all the email to come FROM the gmail account you used to authenticate. If you are using that email address in the FROM email in your forms, it will not be a problem. If you're using a different email address to send notification emails, it will not be desirable.
i'm fine to use that email in the 'from' section for now.
You can find all the gmail SMTP settings online with a little google.
[ X ] Send all WordPress emails via SMTP
SMTP host: smtp.gmail.com
SMTP Port: 587
No encryption
Authentication, yes
Username and password, same as your Gmail account, yes. Full email address with gmail.com usually
thanks! i'll fiddle with that and see what happens :-)
OK, let us know how it goes. Be sure your test email is sent successfully before trying to find out if your form notifications are working. The test needs to succeed before you can do anything else.