I set up a bunch of lead gen sites quite some time back (12 sites) and tested all the forms and everything worked fine. I set up the notification emails to go to my Gmail email and the companies email I'm supplying the leads to. Everything worked fine then when I tested all the forms.
Today I was going though all the sites and downloading all the leads so that I could invoice the company and discovered that the email notifications seem to have stopped working. Though the funny thing is one site seems to be working. I just did a test form submission and the email never came though.
This really came as a big shock to me as I didn't realize I needed to regularly check the email notifications were working. I thought I just needed to check one time. Anyway if it is the case that all the leads I have been sending have not actually been sent then I will be out of pocket by over $3000 which is a shocker!
I just wondered is anyone could explain why the emails have suddenly stopped being sent?