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email notifications stopped working all of a sudden

  1. I was receiving email notifications fine for 6 months on my gravity form plugin inside wordpress (hosted by dreamhost), and all of sudden this morning the email notifications stopped even though I kept receiving form submissions. Any suggestions would be helpful. This is how I pay the bills. The website is

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday November 29, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The first thing to keep in mind is your web server sends the email notifications, Gravity Forms does not. So the issue is going to be with your web server itself. It sounds like something may have changed with your web server. This isn't surprising as many low cost shared hosts frequently make changes that impact users without realizing it.

    The first thing to do is create a test form and configure the notifications to go to a or email address that you have access to (or create a new one) and then submit some tests and see if the email notifications arrive. When doing this, be sure to check your Spam box to make sure they haven't been flagged as spam.

    If the emails arrive at the or address then the notifications are being sent and it could be an issue of them just not being received at your specific email address.

    You may have to configure your WordPress site to send email via SMTP rather than PHP. SMTP is a more reliable way of sending email, but you'd have to get SMTP settings from Dreamhost to do this. You'd also have to install and configure this plugin:

    When using SMTP you'd need to make sure the Send From you use it an email associated with your hosting account. Then use the Reply-To for the users email address if you want the Admin Notification to easily reply to the user when you receive it.

    Ultimately sending email and the reliability of that email is a function of your web server itself and not Gravity Forms. Here is a good article from Joost de Valk on ways to improve the reliability of email sent via your web server:

    Joost is also a Gravity Forms user and his changes improved the email notifications on his site by making his server send email more reliably.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday November 29, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Thanks. Problem solved. This is a post from the dreamhost status blog. Your other users may be having the same problem.

    Due to a spam run on a few of our mail servers, a small number of our outgoing mail servers have extremely large queues which are resulting in delays with mail be sent. This will not prevent mail from being sent out however, it will cause significant delays in web based email being sent. This includes emails sent from your sites as well as scripts or crons. This is not affecting mail server via SMTP. Our admin team is currently working on the issue and we will update this post as soon as we have more information.

    Update Nov 29th, 12:15pm PST: We are still checking all web servers for the offending script and removing it. A majority of the spam mail has been removed from the relay machines mail queue. Web based email is now being relayed albeit very slowly. This will take hours to clear for the mail queues to go back to normal. We will update this post again as the mail queues are cleared.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday November 29, 2011 | Permalink
  4. Thank you for the information.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday December 1, 2011 | Permalink

This topic has been resolved and has been closed to new replies.