I installed your form and configured it with 4 of my email addresses. Here is the configuration for the four email addresses in the admin notification:
Here is the notification which was sent when I selected "No, I am not over 18." http://minus.com/lbfD8X7WPthxxu
Here is the notification which is sent when I select "Yes, I am over 18." http://minus.com/l2nOnz9y8QMOn
The two admin notifications were sent in each case, based on the answer to the question of being over 18 or not. It's working correctly for me here. The email comes from the proper name and email as well (the information which was submitted in the form.)
This is likely due to the server configuration. Please try installing an SMTP plugin to have your email sent by another server, rather than relying on your server's mail functionality. We have had good luck with any of these:
Once you install and configure one of these plugins, please test again and see if the email is sent from the proper address and name and to the proper addresses.
Posted 12 years ago on Monday December 31, 2012 |