Hi which field should i use if i want them to provide a SUbject line? and how do i get gravity forms to make that subject line appear in the the actual subject line when it arrives in my inbox?
Hi which field should i use if i want them to provide a SUbject line? and how do i get gravity forms to make that subject line appear in the the actual subject line when it arrives in my inbox?
this seems so easy, but I can't figure it out :)
(new user)
Hi there. Go to your notifications tab for the form, and you can configure the settings for the emails really precisely in there.
Hope the helps :)
thanks for the reply, I've found the notifications tab... but how do I get a single line imput box to fill the subject line? what do I type in the 'subject' box?
Many Thanks!
HI, I hadn't seen your reply. Did you get this figured out?
If you want to insert the value of a form field in the Subject Line or ANY of the Notification fields you would use a field merge tag. There is a drop down to insert the merge tag above the Subject and Message fields in the Notification settings.
The drop down says "Insert form field", you select the field who's value you want to output using this drop down. See this screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/8VexA.png
In that screenshot i'm setting my Subject to say "New submission from {form_title}" and the {form_title} merge tag would be replaced with the title of the form when the notification is sent.