I want to embed a form in a post type (custom or regular doesn't really matter, though custom is ideal). So, whenever a particular type of post is created, this form is "injected" into the post. Is this possible?
I want to embed a form in a post type (custom or regular doesn't really matter, though custom is ideal). So, whenever a particular type of post is created, this form is "injected" into the post. Is this possible?
You could use the PHP embed code in your WordPress theme to have a form show up on any page or post created with that theme file. Look at the section called Function Call: http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Embedding_A_Form
Add it to your single.php or whatever theme file that you want the form to show in. All my best!
Cool, thank you David!
I had found the code, and tried it, but it didn't show. I tried a different theme, and apparently all my display problems are related to this theme. Oh themeforest...
I wasn't sure which page to put it in, so thank you for the single.php direction as well. Worked perfectly.