Is this functionality available in any of the plugin revisions since this original posting? I too, would like to be able to market my website property (i.e. just the homepage) and use keywords or access codes or whatever in our offline marketing... thereby allowing people to access specific pages without having to type in the URL directly.
For example, a radio ad might sound like...
"Visit our homepage at Then enter today's keyword "ROSES" into our Keyword of the Day box and click. That will take you to today's special offer! Good luck!"
From there, I can set the form on the home page to redirect the keyword "ROSES" to go where I want it to go. Still, yesterdays and last weeks and last months, etc., keywords will still be active and go to their respective pages as well.
Is this possible with Gravity Forms?
Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday April 17, 2013 |