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Entries not captured - e-mail sends empty messages

  1. I've got a client running forms on her Hostgator site and it's sending notification with a blank message and the dashboard isn't showing an entry to pull in the info. I sent a test contact and got the "thank you" message and the entry didn't show up either. Have you seen this before?

    I've got the message set to send {all fields} but the message comes in blank. Strangely, Cart66 didn't even send her a sales receipt, so should we be looking for a blacklist/whitelist solution?

    The notification looks like this:

    ---------- Forwarded message ----------
    From: <>
    Date: Sun, Jun 5, 2011 at 11:00 PM
    Subject: RSL site contact from


    That 's about all I have to go on. I've dug through the notifications and all, but it should at least show up in the dashboard, right?

    Many thanks!

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday June 7, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Bump. Client is getting desperate.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Is this a new install or was the site previously working fine? did the issue start happening after upgrading to 1.5+ from an earlier version of Gravity Forms? These are important details to determine what the issue is and what the next steps are.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  4. It is an existing site with a first time install of Gravity Forms. Here's the stats on the system:

    Installation Status
    PHP Version 5.2.16
    MySQL Version 5.1.52
    WordPress Version 3.1.3
    Gravity Forms Version

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Can you send me a WordPress admin login for this site so we can take a look? You can send it to us via our Contact Us form here:

    Reference this forum post when doing so that way we know what it is in reference to.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  6. I'm getting similar behavior at same host, but without the emails at all. If the entry gets saved, I receive the email as it should be ... if the entry does not save (which is happening often), no email is sent. The email notification was working consistently prior to updating GF to the current version ( ... now flaky, and seems to be entirely based on whether or not the entry is saved upon form submission.

    GF version
    WordPress is version 3.1.3
    PHP version 5.2.15
    MySQL version 5.1.52
    Live form -

    I am submitting admin info to your contact form, as prescribed above ... please advise, as the client site is going live within the next week.

    Thanks in advance.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday June 8, 2011 | Permalink
  7. @wildrice Notifications ARE dependent upon the form being saved. Notifications are built using Entry data, not the form post action. So if there is no entry data, the Notification can't be created. The first thing you need to do is see if you can figure out a way to replicate the issue. If you can't replicate the issue through specific actions, then this may not be a Gravity Forms issue but a web server or database issue.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday June 9, 2011 | Permalink
  8. Any luck using my login? My client is getting 4 or so blank contacts per day so I need to switch her to Fast and Secure if this doesn't get resolved by COB. Thanks for looking into this.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday June 10, 2011 | Permalink
  9. @jpetersen This has been corrected. I apologize for the delay, I had to get our lead developers assistance on this one.

    What it looks like is you did indeed have an older version of Gravity Forms installed at one point. We can tell from the database tables that existed. They didn't match the table structure of Gravity Forms v1.5+ which means that site had an older version of Gravity Forms installed at one point and it was never completely uninstalled.

    The other issue is the database user the site is using, the one configured in wp-config.php, it doesn't have the ALTER permission on the database. So when you installed Gravity Forms v1.5 it was unable to create it's new database columns because it could not ALTER the table. This is what caused the issue, 1.5 was expecting columns to exist that did not exist... causing an error and the data not to be stored.

    I used the uninstall feature (Forms > Settings and then Uninstall at the bottom) to completely remove the Gravity Forms database tables and then I re-installed Gravity Forms. I imported your forms and they are still there.

    You may want to check that the database user that site uses has FULL access to the database, because while it can CREATE tables it appears to not be able to ALTER existing database tables which is a permission issue.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday June 10, 2011 | Permalink