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entry id management

  1. Robert Patterson

    I have a client who manages horse shows. Because of the lead time required for the form to be available, and the duration of time during which the form must be available, there can be as many as six different forms active at one time.

    The entry id's generated seem to be cumulative across the shows. I think I understand why entry id's couldn't be reset per horse show, but am I right in assuming that entry id's can't be reset to 1?

    Is the correct management policy for this small horseshow management company to export and delete the form as soon as it has served its purpose? If, for instance, all forms were deleted, does the entry id then reset to id#1 for the next new form?

    Gravity forms has been a godsend for this client in particular. She can create, edit, duplicate, etc. anything she wants, but when printing individual entries, there is a id# on the top of the form which has nothing to do with the client or the horse show. This has created some confusion because individual participants in the horse show are assigned numbers by show management (like a track meet, every participant is numbered). I guess that if the entry id# could be reset for every show, then gravity forms could do double duty and be used to generate show numbers as well.

    Sorry to ramble, but the question is: Is the only way to reset entry id# to 1 to delete all existing entries, or does that even work?


    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 24, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The entry id is a unique database table row id. It increments across all form's and is not form specific. So the entry id cannot be reset to 0 and is not form specific.

    Deleting the entries will also not reset the entry id to #1 because that is database column auto-increments and the count is part of the table data in the database. It can't be reset... well I should say it can't easily be reset. If you know what you are doing as a DBA you could reset it.

    It's possible to add your own hidden field to your form and use it as a custom id. You would have to write custom code to increment the id each time a form is submitted. It's certainly doable and could be form specific but it's a customization and would require custom code to implement.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 24, 2011 | Permalink