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Entry is posted before Paypal payment is received

  1. As soon as the user clicks the submit button and is transferred to PayPal, the entry is posted and e-mailed. I don't want to entry processed until the PayPal payment is processed. How can I configure this?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday July 18, 2012 | Permalink
  2. When you say entry is posted, what do you mean? The entry will be recorded when it is submitted, regardless of payment status. Same with the email notification. What are you trying to accomplish specifically?

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday July 18, 2012 | Permalink
  3. I don't want to see the form data at all unless the user has actually paid. The description of the PayPal add-on says, "Configure your payment process so that posts are created by your forms only after a payment is received." (

    That sounds like what I want - but I can't figure out how to configure it.

    And yes, I have set up IPN at PayPal, and checked the box in GravityForms config.

    Posted 12 years ago on Wednesday July 18, 2012 | Permalink
  4. The POST will not be created until payment is received (if you configure it that way) but the ENTRY is created and notifications go out. Are we talking about different things? The POST (visible on the website, not in the admin) will not be created until payment is received. The entry will be present as soon as the form is submitted.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday July 20, 2012 | Permalink
  5. I'm noticing what I think is the same issue - I'll see 3 or 4 entries in the Admin before I see one where the payment is actually processed successfully and I'm not sure what's causing the multiple entries.

    For example - In the Form : Entries list, there's an entry at at 2:25 pm - the order details are complete, the payment shows as 'processing', then another entry at 2:30 pm - again, the order details are complete, the payment shows as 'processing', then a third entry at 2:35 - same order details, but the payment shows as 'approved'.

    I can't get feedback from the customer as to what they might be doing, but this has happened a number of times.

    Also, there are 4 orders in the queue that show complete order details, but the payment only shows 'processing', not approved. I'm guessing that they either failed the PayPal approval stage or abandoned the order at that point, but I didn't think the order was saved if it didn't get approved? Is that not the case?


    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday July 24, 2012 | Permalink
  6. Correct, if someone has issues loading PayPal, such as a dropped connection, or they abandon ship at PayPal - the entries are still created.

    Posted 12 years ago on Tuesday July 24, 2012 | Permalink