Never had Gravity forms up at all and this is a clean WP install with about 10 plugins installed and all installed with no issues and they work fine so far, none of them are forms related.
Initially I tried the autoinstall feature to install gravity forms and it would not work so I installed by ftp and got the error above. I then removed it and figured it might be a PHP prob.
I am using 1and1 as a host andI remembered that getting 2.9 to 2.91 autoupgrade to work I had to addAddType x-mapp-php5 .php
AddHandler x-mapp-php5 .php
to the .htaccess file in the root of the website and then it worked. So I checked the root of the wordpress directory for an .htaccess file and there was one there so i added the same code and then the gravityforms autoinstall worked. (although the autoinstall worked for all other plugs without changing the htaccess. There was a warning message that existed that said I could not use the simplevideo embedder properly unless I changed from PHP4 to 5 but after I made the htacess change that warning went away, which was a confirmation to me that PHP5 was now being used.
But gravitforms still causes that error and currently renders the entire admin useless. I know I can ftp and remove GF but I really need to get the site up yesterday so hopefully we can get it figured out, especially since this is the only plug I have paid for. Thx
I removed by ftp and removed the failed download files from failed autoinstalls then I checked the .htaccess file in the wp root folder and noticed my code was no longer there, so I added it again and then logged in and reinstalled GF automatically and all seems well. I do notice there is no more register request under the GF plug listing, which I believe was the last thing I did before the error I posted reappeared.
When entering the activation code could GF somehow have changed/reset the .htacess file or something else that would have caused that to happen? Because I also noticed when i removed the GF plugin folder by FTP and logged in the Warning message about the Simplevid plug not working well on PHP4 upgrade to PHP5 msg returned....
Posted 14 years ago on Tuesday January 12, 2010 |