Hello (first, sorry for my poor english)
When I try to modify any entries in my latest form I get an error 404. After few hours I have pinpoint 2 hint to help me resolve the bug but I cant go further with my knowledge :
The first hint is quite simple : when I save a form with the following string "http://" the form send me to a 404 error and dosent save the form.
The second hint came from my web host. I got blacklisted twice from his servers. After investigations we found out it was me who trigger the error each time I saved the entries.
Here is the mod security log :
/wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_entries&view=entry&id=8&lid=235&filter=&paged=2&pos=28 HTTP/1.1
Access denied with code 403 (phase 2). Match of "rx ://%{SERVER_NAME}/" against "ARGS:input_4" required. [file "/usr/local/apache/conf/modsec/10_asl_rules.conf"] [line "1216"] [id "340464"] [rev "54"] [msg "Atomicorp.com UNSUPPORTED DELAYED Rules: Remote File Injection attempt in ARGS (admin.php)"] [severity "CRITICAL"]
As a quick fix I removed all the "http://" string in the form but it could be nice to get a good fix.
By entries I mean the messages