PLEASE NOTE: These forums are no longer utilized and are provided as an archive for informational purposes only. All support issues will be handled via email using our support ticket system. For more detailed information on this change, please see this blog post.

Errors after upgrade, form entries not saved

  1. The latest version of the plugin,, does not show form entries in the Dashboard. The email notification works, and the entry is saved in the database. Here are the errors we got on upgrading:

    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_form' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_form ( id mediumint(8) unsigned not null auto_increment, title varchar(150) not null, date_created datetime not null, is_active tinyint(1) not null default 1, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_form_meta' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_form_meta ( form_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null, display_meta longtext, entries_grid_meta longtext, PRIMARY KEY (form_id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_form_view' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_form_view ( id bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment, form_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null, date_created datetime not null, ip char(15), count mediumint(8) unsigned not null default 1, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY form_id (form_id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_lead' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_lead ( id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment, form_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null, post_id bigint(20) unsigned, date_created datetime not null, is_starred tinyint(1) not null default 0, is_read tinyint(1) not null default 0, ip varchar(39) not null, source_url varchar(200) not null default '', user_agent varchar(250) not null default '', currency varchar(5), payment_status varchar(15), payment_date datetime, payment_amount decimal(19,2), transaction_id varchar(50), is_fulfilled tinyint(1), created_by bigint(20) unsigned, transaction_type tinyint(1), status varchar(20) not null default 'active', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY form_id (form_id), KEY status (status) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_lead_notes' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_lead_notes ( id int(10) unsigned not null auto_increment, lead_id int(10) unsigned not null, user_name varchar(250), user_id bigint(20), date_created datetime not null, value longtext, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY lead_id (lead_id), KEY lead_user_key (lead_id,user_id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_lead_detail' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_lead_detail ( id bigint(20) unsigned not null auto_increment, lead_id int(10) unsigned not null, form_id mediumint(8) unsigned not null, field_number float not null, value varchar(200), PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY form_id (form_id), KEY lead_id (lead_id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    WordPress database error: [Table 'XX_rg_lead_detail_long' already exists]
    CREATE TABLE XX_rg_lead_detail_long ( lead_detail_id bigint(20) unsigned not null, value longtext, PRIMARY KEY (lead_detail_id) ) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8
    Plugin reactivated successfully.
    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday January 24, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Also, the database user does have ALTER permissions.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday January 24, 2012 | Permalink
  3. I just went through this. Also I'm not getting any entries from any of the forms before I even updated this.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday January 27, 2012 | Permalink