Hi, you can't actually replace the huge error box because that box is actually the li that contains the field label, inputs and description, it just has extra styles applied when validation fails so what you will have to do is override those extra styles so it doesn't look any different than the normal li, add the following to your themes main or custom stylesheet.
body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield_error{background:#fff;border:0;margin:0 !important;padding:0 !important}
Now that the li error styles are looking like a standard li again you can now style the error message, again add the following css to your stylesheet, you can change the border, background color, width, padding and margins to whatever gets the appearance you are looking for.
body .gform_wrapper .gform_body .gform_fields .gfield_error .validation_message {border:1px solid red;background-color:#f9d400;width:50%}
If you also want to style the main error message that appears at the top of the form you would add and modify the following
body .gform_wrapper .validation_error{margin-top:10px;padding:5px;background-color:#f9d400;border:1px solid #c89797}
Hope this helps
Posted 12 years ago on Sunday January 22, 2012 |