The issue is your use of the Section Break field and applying conditional logic to it. Each of the fields you are using to display the tuition price is a Section Break field.
Section Breaks are designed to appear above a section of fields, or a group of fields. Because of this, if you apply conditional logic to a Section Break it will automatically apply that conditional logic to ALL fields below that Section Break up to the next Section Break.
This allows you to show/hide an entire group of fields using conditional logic by applying it to a Section Break.
The problem with your form is your additional fields that appear below your group of Section Breaks showing tuition prices are now considered part of that last Section Break and it's conditional logic applies to that group of fields. BUT they don't show up because they have their own conditional logic applied to them that is hiding them.
See this screenshot:
The field that says "The tuition for AMS is $1275" is a Section Break field. It has conditional logic applied to it and that conditional logic is then hiding all the fields that appear below it up to the next Section Break... which there isn't another Section Break after that one so it hides all the remaining fields.
When that particular Section Break is visible, the other fields are not because they also have individual conditional logic applied to them that is hiding them.
So the issue is how you are using Section Breaks and applying conditional logic to them. Section Breaks with conditional logic are used to group fields and easily show/hide them without applying it to each individual field.
I would suggest using the HTML field for displaying the tuition information rather than the Section Break field. The Section Break field handles conditional logic in a unique way and if it isn't used properly it will cause issues like this.
Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday February 23, 2011 |