Hi David,
I've tried the suggested page, and yes it does it; but I still have a problem with multi-field rows and also a the free text fields that have mutiple paragraphs. I would like to have posted a picture with this but it doesn't seem possible to do file attachements. I could send you a link and password but don't want to post it here. Let me know if I can send you this another way.
Meanwhile I will try to describe the form which is long but has lines like this for example:
Line 1: FieldName = Household Name, Field Type = Single Text Line
Line 2: FieldName = Members of Household, FieldType = List with Mutiple Columns
........... Columns are Name, profession, Date of Birth, Relationship to first householder, Notes
Line3: FieldName = Outside Notes, Field Type = Paragraph
Line 3: FieldName = Shared Facilities, FieldType = List with Multiple Columns
The multi-column fields look as if they use a "pipe" symbol to separate but somehow this isn't recognised when I get to import to Excel.
The paragraph fields don't get brought in in teh same Excel row but the next down.
I spent a lot of time pursuading the group to complete this information on-line and now I am in danger of them thinking it was a waste of time becasue we have to manually massge the data into a good shape for presenting off-line.
If you have any suggestion I would be very grateful,
Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 12, 2013 |