When I export my form data the file is titled: <form-name-date>.csv.txt
Why is the .txt there? I have to delete the .txt of the file name before it will open correctly in Excel.
Any way to not have it add the .txt?
When I export my form data the file is titled: <form-name-date>.csv.txt
Why is the .txt there? I have to delete the .txt of the file name before it will open correctly in Excel.
Any way to not have it add the .txt?
That is a strange issue. Gravity Forms by default doesn't export with a .txt on its exports. I'm not sure where that is coming from. What OS are you on? What version of Gravity Forms and WordPress? Has it always done this? Can you try the following to see if it still does? http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Testing_for_a_Theme/Plugin_Conflict