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Export Entries - Check box values in wrong columns

  1. LitSuppGuru

    I have used the export feature in Gravity Forms to export all entries. When I pull it into Excel, the data is slightly inaccurate.

    One of the fields I have on the form is a check box field with about 30 choices. The user can select one or more items. At first glance, it looks like Gravity Forms parses the items into separate columns in the export, so there is a column for each of the 30 choices. The choices happen to be cities in which we have a chapter in our organization.

    However, the issue is when I filter on the Philadelphia column for instance, I should get all entries where someone chose Philadelphia. What I've noticed though is that for some entries that have the value Philadelphia, the value is in the wrong column (it is in the Orange County column to the left instead).

    Why would the item choice land in the wrong column in the export? How can I correct this without digging into the SQL tables?

    If you need a sample of the export file, let me know.


    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 28, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Please email a sample export to and I will take a look. Be sure to let me know what the expected result is and where the error exists. Thanks

    Posted 11 years ago on Thursday June 28, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Hi Amy, I emailed you but wanted to post here as well. Because the entries with data that did not line up were from the beginning of the file through April 17, and none after, it looks to me like the form was modified and a checkbox choice was either added or removed. That would cause the current entries to line up properly but would throw off any earlier entries since the number of items per entry (in the CSV) would be wrong. Let me know if you can confirm that. Thanks.

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday July 6, 2012 | Permalink
  4. Amy, I just realized you sorted the spreadsheet, so my date range may not be correct. Is there a span of entries where the columns do not line up, then after that point all is well again?

    Posted 11 years ago on Friday July 6, 2012 | Permalink