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exporting entries problem

  1. Hi,

    Anyone having problems in exporting data?

    I can't export entries from gravity forms that I have. I tried selecting the date range but it's not working. I already tried it with chrome and firefox, still the same problem. I also tried exporting the Nov 2011 data, but I dont see any data anymore. It should have data but now I cant see anything.

    Best regards,

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday January 3, 2012 | Permalink
  2. Hi, Gaireen,

    Are you getting any errors? Can you try just exporting a single entry? If you are able to export a single entry, it could be a PHP memory issue if the amount of results in your date range is too great. If that is the case, take a look at the link below on how to increase the memory size:

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday January 4, 2012 | Permalink

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