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Exporting specific form entries, filtered by specified fields,

  1. Hello,
    GF is now on my top three- all time best plugin list without a doubt, thanks for doing such a great job on this plugin!

    Is it possible to target a specific forms entries, without having to go to the admin area and select the form, then select the fields, and then select export?

    Basically, what I am trying to achieve is to make the most simple export process for my client as possible. So they can push a button, and download the specified form, that only exports the specific fields.

    Maybe a dumb question but can I access a link to download this information?
    Hoping for something like this if possible.
    [ /wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_export/my form entiry/with my selected fields/myfile.csv ]

    Download with the push of a button. Then they don't have to sift through all the fields (I have many) and try and figure out which ones they want/dont want to export.

    Thanks very much for your help!


    Posted 13 years ago on Monday July 4, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Currently this isn't possible as a built in feature. The export tool is a general tool to export entries for any form and give the user the ability to select which fields to include in the export.

    If you needed something more specialized you would have to create your own custom export functionality by duplicating the functionality that is in the export.php file within Gravity Forms and creating your own export functionality using that code as a base.

    Posted 13 years ago on Tuesday July 5, 2011 | Permalink