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FAILED (Upload folder could not be created.)

  1. I have a form with an upload field. When I test the form and try to upload an image, I get "FAILED (Upload folder could not be created.)" in the entry that is submitted. I have tried the following:

    - Turned off PHP "Safe Mode"
    - Set the permissions for the wp-content, plugins, and gravityforms directories to 777 as well as 755
    - Created a new directory at /wp-content/plugins/gravityuploads/ with permissions at 777 and pointed form uploads at this directory using the "gform_upload_path" filter
    - Turned off the "Password Protected" plugin I am using to protect my blog while it is in development

    I'm hoping you can help me as we are launching the site this Wednesday, 3/13. I have sent my WordPress login and FTP credentials to so you can take a look at the site. Let me know if you are able to discover the issue.

    Thanks so much for your help!

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 12, 2013 | Permalink
  2. This has something to do with the ownership of the files, not just the permissions. Most everything is owned by apache:apache in the wp-content/uploads directory. However, some of the directories are owned by mbtiparty:psacln. In the admin, I see this warning from WordPress on any plugin or theme: "You need to make this file writable before you can save your changes. See the Codex for more information.". That means the permissions or ownership is incorrect for the user running WordPress to be able to write that file.

    There should be no need for the 777 permissions on directories. You don't need to change the upload directory either, although it's fine that you did. I would check with the host to see about the ownership and permissions on those directories. It's a server configuration issue, not a Gravity Forms or WordPress issue.

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday March 12, 2013 | Permalink
  3. Damon got back to me that this is a unique issue with Media Temple DV servers:

    It's all sorted out now.

    Posted 11 years ago on Wednesday March 13, 2013 | Permalink

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