Please somebody check out the 'City' field in my form here:
I cannot see it. Can you? Why is it not showing and how can I get it to show?
Style issue?
Please somebody check out the 'City' field in my form here:
I cannot see it. Can you? Why is it not showing and how can I get it to show?
Style issue?
The issue is a style one. The field is there, but there is huge amounts of padding/margins between the field and its label. I'll grab Rob to see what you can do to override that style issue.
This Screenshot shows your culprit. Try dropping this CSS snippet into your theme's stylesheet:
Thank you for looking into this.
also... Is there any sort of 'stock' form styles we can add in the
'CSS Class Name' field so not dependent on the Theme form fields?
Not that I know of. Usually people want their forms to integrate with their themes, and that's how we developed Gravity Forms.
You can find all of our CSS documentation here:
All my best!
Thanks Rob and David for suggestions. I added the code Rob supplied above into the Theme style.css file but unfortunately did not make the City field reappear. hmmmm
This is the Form section of my Themes style.css file.
At the top I included the Rob snippet:
The city field is there. Right above the word City.
Yeah, I'm seeing the city field too. What browser are you using??
Thanks guys, I see it now too. Awesome response and quick assistance.