There's no grouping feature yet, but with the addition of freeform HTML blocks in the next release, you could use those to wrap fields in divs, fieldsets, or whatever you like.
We've talked about eventually adding a way to create your own reusable field groups, but that's going to be sometime further down the line.
In this scenario (3 fields in one line) You would float the first 2 fields left. The third field will naturally float up with them assuming there's enough room. You'll need to set a new width on the fields as well. It would look something like this for 3 fields.
After that, you'll probably want to go to your form admin, and set the field size to "large". The field size is a percentage of the parent container, so if you make your container smaller, the fields end up smaller.. resetting the field size usually is enough, but you can always target the specific input and reset the width with some CSS if desired.
settings screenshot
And here's the result on my test form
form screenshot
Posted 14 years ago on Friday July 2, 2010 |