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File Upload - Not on Server

  1. I searched the forums and could not find a solution for this issue. When someone submits a form on my site, the file they upload cannot be found on the server. When I click on the file link, it takes me to the following path...

    ...but the file (in this case "con trago.jpg") isn't there. It go to a Yahoo cannot-find-file page. Here is what I did to troubleshoot it...

    1) I checked the server and the "gravity_forms" folder was not created, so I changed the permissions of the "uploads" folder to 777...still no luck.

    2) I called my host and the PHP safe_mode is off.

    3) I created the "gravity_forms" folder (but not the sub-folders)...still on luck.

    Any other ideas? Why aren't the sub-folders in the "uploads" folder being created? Please help. Thanks...

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday May 16, 2010 | Permalink
  2. It's a permissions issue. You are going to have to work with the host on this. We have seen server setups where the file permissions appeared to be correct, but actually were not set for the account that PHP runs under. So while you could check the permissions and they appeared correct, the PHP still didn't have access to write the files and folders. But it is most certainly a server related file permissions/security issue.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday May 17, 2010 | Permalink
  3. I handed the issue over to my host this morning and they got it handled. For anyone else that may have a similar issue, here is found they found to be the issue...

    "In your wp settings the full path to the uploads folder was specified and it should be left blank so the default setting: wp-content/uploads takes affect. I updated the settings and it's working correctly at this time."

    It's working fine now. Thanks for your help Carl.

    Posted 14 years ago on Monday May 17, 2010 | Permalink