In the topic i see some examples of how to adjust the notification e-mailaddress. Unfortunately this does not work on WordPress 3.1-RC2-17315 and Gravity Forms 1.5.rc3.4.
The global $post variable is in all cases 'null' within the 'gform_notification_email' filter.
I guess this filter is not called within the WordPress loop (anymore?). I see that the processing of an form is executed within the 'wp_loaded' action.
add_action('wp_loaded', array('RGForms', 'maybe_process_form'));
It looks like WordPress is parsing the query variables after executing the 'wp_loaded' action. Therefore it is not possible to use the global $post variable or the query variables. The wp() function (global $wp->main()) function is executed after the 'wp_loaded' action.
I have found a way to fix this problem, but now the wp() function wil be called twice:
function notificationEmail($eMailAddress, $entry) {
global $post;
if($post) {
$eMailAddress = get_the_author_meta('user_email', $post->post_author);
return $eMailAddress;
I guess it's not meant to be to call the wp() function twice. Why do you use the 'wp_loaded' action hook for processing the forms? I guess this issue is also causing troubles with the use of {embed_post:*} variables ( It feels kind a buggy and not well thought out.