jQuery(name).css("top") is undefined http://xxxx.com/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/js/floatmenu_init.js
Line 5
Running Latest Gravity Forms (.12) and issue happens while other plugins are deactivated.
jQuery(name).css("top") is undefined http://xxxx.com/wp-content/plugins/gravityforms/js/floatmenu_init.js
Line 5
Running Latest Gravity Forms (.12) and issue happens while other plugins are deactivated.
Running WP 2.9.2
Can you provide more details? Where is this error appearing? Is it appearing all the time? What OS and browser/version?
Scott, I've been unable to replicate the issue on any of my test sites. This is my setup.
Are you seeing this in one specific browser?
Aha! Found it out, it was a timeout. Somehow, the site was timing out before the rest of the stuff could load apparently. I increased the memory and timeout limits and it's fixed. Not sure if it's worth noting, but the users in the DB are at around 28k, so that's when I noticed the users.php part of WP-Admin come crashing down too.
ALSO, if anyone is wondering how I'm able to load my Users page in WP 2.9.2 -- consider making this adjustment to Line 252 in users.php to let the user list page load. This was a huge sticking point since the memory / timeout limit increase didn't resolve it. I set that code to this, WP should definitely rethink how they do this.
Glad you fixed it. Thanks for the update and the extra info.
I seem to having the same, or at least similar, issue. The plugin was working fine for a couple of days after I installed it. But now I cannot edit or add new forms. Ive noticed in firebug Im getting a js error too when trying to add a form: /wp-admin/admin.php?page=gf_new_form All that appears is the save button.
jQuery(name).css("top") is undefined
[Break on this error] menuYloc = parseInt(jQuery(name).css(...ery(name).css("top").indexOf("px")))
floatmenu_init.js (line 5)
@daniel05 You will have to check for plugin conflicts by deactivating all other plugins and then testing Gravity Forms. It could also be something in your theme causing the conflict so you could try activating the default theme and then testing Gravity Forms.
Hey Carl,
I tried out your suggestion - turned off all plugins and switched the theme(kubrick default & the twentyten) - still no go. Ive also uploaded a fresh copy of the plugin but I still get the same errors..
Could really do with some help with this as we go live in a few days with the site.