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Form code showing on frontend

  1. dveiga

    Hey everyone,

    On this particular domain I can't get Gravity forms to show up at all, it just shows the [] tag and nothing more on the frontend -

    Any ideass? I tried putting the code both on visual & html tabs, but get the same thing.

    It works on another domain with the same plugins, same server.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday October 7, 2010 | Permalink
  2. This is either a theme conflict, plugin conflict, an issue with entering the shortcode in the content or a problem with your WordPress site not parsing shortcodes properly.

    You will have to test for theme conflicts by activating the default TwentyTen theme and testing to see if the shortcode works. If it does, then something in your theme is causing the problem.

    If it isn't your theme you will have to test for plugin conflicts by deactivating ALL other plugins and then testing to see if the shortcode works. Doesn't matter if you have the same plugins installed elsewhere, versions could vary, etc. so still do this step. If it works after deactivating all other plugins then you activate each plugin one by one and test after each one.

    If it isn't any of the above then double check that the shortcode was entered correctly. Try it on a new page, or trying deleting all of the content on that page and re-entering it.

    It's also possible it could be a problem with your WordPress install.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday October 7, 2010 | Permalink