Could you help me. For example here is the form I created with gravity form.
and what we can see on my web site
Someone can help me ?
Could you help me. For example here is the form I created with gravity form.
and what we can see on my web site
Someone can help me ?
Your themes css is the likely culprit here, can you provide a link to a live page containing the form in question so we can examine the css and suggest possible solutions.
here the link
Yes, it's inheriting from your theme. Your theme is setting a 42px font size for any span element inside the "post" container. You can add this to the end of your theme stylesheet and it should override that for your forms.
body .post .gform_wrapper span {
font-size: 12px !important;
line-height: 1.4em;
ok thanks but how can i put the background in white ?
Your theme is adding a background image to the ul element so following Kevin's advice above try adding this to remove the background image from the gravity forms ul element
body .post .gform_wrapper ul {
background-image: none;
ok thank you
Only one thing how can i center a form on my page ?