some of my forms suddenly stoped showing, and after some tries I saw that what makes the for dissapear is wherever is a fiels with conditional logic. after I uncheck the conditional feature in the field the form comes back again.
please help
some of my forms suddenly stoped showing, and after some tries I saw that what makes the for dissapear is wherever is a fiels with conditional logic. after I uncheck the conditional feature in the field the form comes back again.
please help
Please share the URL to the page on your site where we can see this problem with your form.
This is always due to a JavaScript error, normally from a plugin or theme conflict. Please begin troubleshooting by following these steps
Did you get this to work? I am having the same problem.
NCompass, as Chris points out this is always down to a JavaScript error, theme or plugin conflict so have you followed the advice regarding testing for theme and plugin conflicts.
Can you post a link to a page containing the form in question.
Just another member of the community helping out where I can
Im also having the exact same problem?
As was said above, this is always due to a JavaScript error, normally from a plugin or theme conflict. Please begin troubleshooting by following these steps
It was a jquery conflict. 2 versions of the jquery file were being called.
Glad you got it sorted out.