Typically when forms with conditional logic don't appear on a page it is one of four things...
1) Incorrect file permissions. If file permissions are set to restrictive on the plugin files it can prevent the Javascript from being called because the server will return a 500 error for the call to the Javascript.
2) Missing files. We have seen people not fully upload the plugin, which results in necessary Javascript files being missing. Make sure the plugin was uploaded correctly.
3) You are missing the necessary wp_head() and wp_footer() function calls in your header.php and footer.php files. You can read about these here:
4) You have a Javascript error on the page that is causing all Javascript to quit executing. If your page has a Javascript error this prevents the conditional logic Javascript from executing so the form remains hidden. Conditional logic forms use Javascript to display only the portion of the form that should be displayed based on user interaction.
Issues #3 and #4 above are the most common when this issue happens.
@James Without being able to browse the page having the problem it's difficult for us to tell you what the issue is. If we could view the page we could tell pretty quickly.
@ChrisC Your page has a Javascript error on it related to tfuse_form(), not sure what this is but that is the first thing I noticed when I viewed your page. That could be the cause. You will have to resolve that Javascript error before determining if that was the reason... either way that would have to be resolved.
Posted 14 years ago on Saturday February 12, 2011 |