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form error and redirection

  1. I am testing a new form and had a couple of questions:

    What exactly is the conflict with the redirection plugin? I have converted an html site to Wordpress and need the redirection plugin to take care of numerous redirects.

    I have a request a quote form on my site
    If you select web design as a service option, you get a conditional field asking how many pages your site will be. I selected the number field option for this. When I was testing the form I entered 15 to 20, which a typical user might enter. When I tried submitting the form I got an error message saying that an error had been detected and was highlighted below. But I could never see where it was highlighting any error. It took me a while to figure out that it was the number field. When I changed the entry to a number such as 15, the form submitted properly. So my next move is to replace the number field with a text field (I'm guessing). But why am I not seeing the error highlighted? And is there a better way to handle this field?

    Lastly, in the e-mail notification settings I was looking for a place to enter a specific page that the user would be redirected to. I was planning on installing Adwords tracking code, but I didn't see any option for this. Am I missing something? Or is this not a feature of the plugin? If it is not a feature, are there plans to incorporate this functionality?


    Posted 14 years ago on Saturday January 1, 2011 | Permalink
  2. I'm not 100% sure if a conflict exists with the Redirection plugin. There used to be, but they may have corrected the issue. I'd have to try it again. The conflict was very old so it's probably been resolved.

    The reason you are not seeing the field appear red when validation occurs is the same reason why the form itself isn't styled properly... the Gravity Forms CSS is not being output. I'm not 100% sure why as it appears the conditional logic JS is being output. Because of this I need you to check to make sure CSS output is turned on by going to the Settings page of Gravity Forms (Forms > Settings) and making sure CSS Output is turned ON.

    As for managing where the form goes to after it is submitted, you don't manage this under Notifications. Notifications are strictly the notification emails that are being sent. You manage the form confirmation/thank you message or redirect under the Confirmation settings. These can be found by editing your form, editing the Form Settings (hover over form title/description and click Edit) and then selecting the Confirmation tab.

    See this documentation:

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday January 2, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Carl,

    Thank you for the reply. My problems have been resolved.

    Thanks again,

    Posted 14 years ago on Sunday January 2, 2011 | Permalink