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Form in widget area - reload page the form was submitted from

  1. sascha

    Hi there,

    I have a small form (just one dropdown with 3 choices) embedded in a sidebar widget. Obviously at the moment, when I submit something with this form, the confirmation message will appear in the widget where the form was. Three questions/options:

    1. Is there a way to get the confirmation message out of the widget area and appear as a pop up on screen and then it fades out?

    2. Is there a way I can show the form again in the widget area without page reload? Ideally by fading the confirmation message out and the form back in again?

    3. If I reload the page, then the form is back again. So that could be a not so nice, but necessary solution. But how can I tell the form which page it needs to load? The widget resides on many pages. Is there a way to tell it dynamically which page it was on when the form was submitted and then reload that exact page (maybe with the gform_after_submission hook instead of using the redirect function on the form settings)? And how can I make sure that the page does not get reloaded straight away, so that the user sees the confirmation message for a few seconds (be it in the widget area or as a pop up).

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday January 18, 2012 | Permalink

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