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Form no longer functioning after site migration

  1. SpaceAgeSecretary

    Hello --

    Our form was working fine on its sandbox site (and had been tested and retested). Post-migration, it has stopped accepting entries. When we click the submit button the form clears instead of directing to the Thank You page -- and there is no evidence of an entry being made on the form's backend. We're using the most current version of WordPress -- and the same theme as on the sandbox site.

    You can see find the form here:



    Posted 12 years ago on Thursday August 23, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I was able to see the form and submit the form normally. I did not see a confirmation message though. Sounds like that is the issue you're having? It seems to submit but the entries are not coming through and no notifications are being sent?

    What was the URL for the sandbox, and how did you change it from the sandbox to the live site?

    Are there any hard-coded URLs anywhere, or is there any code that pertains to specific forms which may no longer work after importing the forms (they may have new Form IDs)?

    Anything in your .htaccess file which might refer to the old site vs. the new site?

    ** Can you try visiting the permalink setting page in wp-admin and just resave your active permalinks to see if that helps anything?

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday August 26, 2012 | Permalink
  3. SpaceAgeSecretary

    We solved it! Strangely, the "http://" prompt in the website field was causing the error. Once we changed that field to a regular text box field, everything worked normally. I have no idea how my developer figured this out -- but that's what got everything working again.

    Posted 12 years ago on Sunday August 26, 2012 | Permalink
  4. I have seen that before. It's got something to do with a security module on the web server (mod_security or suhosin patch for PHP.) Thank you for posting this as a reminder. There are one or two other topics here where this information may be relevant.

    Posted 12 years ago on Monday August 27, 2012 | Permalink

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