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Form Reverted to an earlier version--- bug?

  1. I am wondering if there is a bug in Gravity forms or a bug in my theme or if I am possibly just crazy... My form seems to have reverted, on it's own, to an earlier version.

    Last night I worked on my form. Just because I am back-up paranoid, I "exported" my form three times. I realize that EXPORTING a form should have nothing to do with what happened, but I want to include every step I made.

    When I finally finished working last night, I exported and downloaded my final masterpiece. This may have been before midnight (Feb 16) or early this morning (Feb 17). I don't know if the date change is relevant. Before I exported, I saved the form online. Then, I powered down my computer. (So I didn't have any open browser windows with a previous form version open)

    This morning my website was showing my most recent saved version of my form, of course. So I started working on the CSS. I never touched the "import" link or anything like that. Because, even though I have 3 saved versions from last night, I moved all of them from my "downloads" folder to a folder on my desktop. So to import ANY forms, I would have to browse to them. There weren't any exported files in any standard location.

    However, at some point this morning, my form reverted to a previous save. It seems to have gone back to the just-previous-to-the final version I saved at 11pm (version 2 of 3 versions I saved). My final version was saved around midnight, or possibly just after midnight.

    The only thing I did today, that would be unusual, was that I accidentally switched to a different theme for a moment. I feel like the form reverted around the time this theme back-and-forth switch happened. I can't be certain though, because the reverted changes were primarily back-end changes and I didn't notice them right away. The theme was only changed for a minute or two, and I made no changes during the theme switch.

    I'm sorry this was so long-winded, but it's because I know this doesn't make any sense.

    Thank you in advance. I really appreciate the outstanding support.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 17, 2011 | Permalink
  2. The form wouldn't revert on it's own. It's data. Something would have had to change the form in order for that to happen. Are you sure the form saved when you were done making your final changes? It's possible you didn't save the form. It's not going to make changes or override it on it's own.

    Gravity Forms doesn't store a history of your form changes. When you make a change, that change takes effect. There is no rolling back a change because there is no versioning system built into Gravity Forms. So it's impossible for Gravity Forms to revert to an older version of the form.

    What this means is you either didn't save your form OR your entire database was rolled back to a backup by your web host.

    Even if you imported the form it wouldn't overwrite the existing, it would create a new form with the same name and a number appended to the end to signify it's a duplicate. So importing doesn't overwrite existing forms either.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 17, 2011 | Permalink