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Form Set to Display none, no Javascript errors

  1. Hi helpful, smart guys.

    I had a lovely form created with conditional logic and lots of checkboxes. It was great until I migrated the site from development to live (just moved it up one directory on the server).

    My form is set to display:none where it should be shown. There are no Javascript errors on the page. I used a search and replace plugin to go through the database and change URLs that had the development site path. That's my only guess as to where things may have gone wrong but I don't know what exactly.

    Form is at

    Permissions seem to be fine on the plugins folder. No other javascript/jquery issues are apparent. No new plugins are running on the live site that weren't on the development one.


    ps - if it's because of all of the crazy stuff this theme is loading up, I wouldn't be surprised. it's been an absolute pain to work with and is terribly bloated.

    Posted 13 years ago on Wednesday February 1, 2012 | Permalink
  2. I just discovered that if I turn conditional logic on for the submit button, then the form shows up. I don't want that though. I also have an extra "previous" button at the bottom of my (multi-page) form and when I click it I get a 404.

    The extra previous button is not there if I turn off conditional logic for the submit button and manually turn off display:none via firebug.

    Posted 13 years ago on Thursday February 2, 2012 | Permalink
  3. Well, it just fixed itself. I didn't change anything, it just started working again.

    I hate this theme.

    Anyway, carry on good sirs, I still have no idea what the problem was and hopefully it doesn't come back.

    Posted 13 years ago on Friday February 3, 2012 | Permalink