Part of your issue is the padding applied to the inputs by your theme stylesheet - default.css line 1822
#contentbox form input {
padding: 5px;
then, there is a width set on the form element itself - default.css line 1816
#contentbox form {
padding: 0 0 20px;
position: relative;
width: 580px;
You should be able to override those by putting this at the end of your theme stylesheet.
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form {
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=text],
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=tel],
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=url],
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=email],
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=file],
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=password],
body #contentbox .gform_wrapper form input[type=number] {
padding:5px 0;
notice I chose to target the inputs by type rather than apply a blanket rule that would unnecessarily add padding to radio buttons & checkboxes which are inputs too.
test screenshot:
Posted 13 years ago on Thursday April 14, 2011 |