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Form_Display.php Error

  1. kklawitter

    Hello- I would greatly appreciate your help. I am experiencing an error when submitting my form.

    Upon submitting the form, I'm taken to a white page that reads-

    Warning: Header may not contain more than a single header, new line detected. in /home/danceand/public_html/ on line 75

    The strange part is, when I go into the gravity forms editor, it's showing that the form_display.php file is inactive, so I don't understand how this would be causing an issue. Can I just delete the code on line 75- which is:

    do_action("gform_post_submission", $lead, $form);

    Can I get away with just deleting that? The only change I've made to the gravity forms is integrating the form with Salesforce, which is working enough to send the first line of the application form to salesforce, but the rest of the data is not going through. Could this have something to do with this? I would be extremely grateful if you could provide me with some guidance as to what the issue might be. Thanks for your help.


    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  2. This is not a common error, in fact it is the first time I've heard of it. You should not delete anything in the Gravity Forms plugin.

    Can you post what modifications you have made? I think the issue is going to be from a modification you've made, or from an incomplete upload of the plugin.

    Have you been using Gravity Forms fine for a while with no problem? Did anything change recently that would cause this problem to show up suddenly (if it did show up suddenly)? Thanks for any additional information you can provide.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  3. Can you post the code you're using to send data to Salesforce? Chances are that code is erroring out and the error output is causing the error you see about new lines in the header.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  4. kklawitter

    Hey Chris-first off- thank you so much for your fast reply, and second- I think you're right- it's the code going out to Salesforce. The only changes have been the additon of the salesforce query. But I have tried re-writing the query string and have had no luck. Here's what I have: (don't laugh- it's for a modeling site. :) Thanks again Chris.

    redirects to:

    8&oid=0000000000000&retURL= &first_name={Name (First):1.3}&last_name={Name (Last):1.6}&model_name={model name:37}&Phone={Phone:3}&Email={Email:4}&Nationality={Nationality:6}&Website={Website:35}&Birthdate={Birthdate:36}&Height={Height:10}&Weight={Weight:11}&Bust={Bust:12}&Waist={Waist:13}&Hips={Hips:14}&Dress_Size={Dress Size:15}&Shoe_Size={Shoe Size:16}&Hair_Color={Hair Color:18}&Eye_Color={Eye Color:19}&Previous_Experience={Previous Experience:21}&Languages_Spoken={Languages Spoken:22}&{Languages Spoken:22}&Can_we_post_your_photos_?={Can we post your photos?:24}&How_long_would_you_like_to_stay_?{How long would you like to stay?:26}&Questions/Comments_?{Comments/Questions?:27}

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  5. Can you post your URL to something like or - the formatting is getting mangled here, and it's going to be related to this URL I think. Then just post the URL here.

    And to be clear, you have your form confirmation set to redirect and this is the URL?

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  6. kklawitter

    Hi Chris- here's the url- I have the form confirmation to redirect to the salesforce url. I'd be happy to dm you any login information. Thanks Chris.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  7. is it possible there is just a new line between the UTF- and the 8? I got the same error, then when I went and made sure there was no line break there, it submitted fine. I know the wrapping is weird depending on where you copy and paste from, but I tried it as is and got the same error as you, then removed an extra new line after UTF- and it worked.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  8. kklawitter

    It worked!!!!!!! Oh my gosh- if you were here- I'd kiss you!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I can't believe it was as simple as that. Thank you Chris!!!!!!


    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink
  9. [blushing]

    Thanks for the kind words. Glad you got that working.

    Posted 13 years ago on Monday August 15, 2011 | Permalink

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