i want to make a second row of the formular is that possibel
and how can i edit the font size of that?
and the countrys how could i make only 3 coundrys available?
i want to make a second row of the formular is that possibel
and how can i edit the font size of that?
and the countrys how could i make only 3 coundrys available?
What do you mean you want to make a second row of the formular? Can you give us some more detail there?
To restrict the countries which are shown, you can use the gform_countries filter http://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/page/Gform_countries . However, you are going to be removing all but 3 countries, which is a lot of work. Instead, you could just add a new drop down and include only your three countries. That would not be part of the address block, but it would be easier to accomplish.
I think for your other question, about a second row for the formular, do you mean a second column for your products, so the list is not so long? If that is the case, you can use gf_left_half and gf_right_half CSS Ready Classes. Your first product will have the CSS class of "gf_left_half" and your second product will have the CSS class of "gf_right_half", and you will alternate back and forth until you are at the last product. Please see the documentation here http://www.gravityhelp.com/css-ready-classes-for-gravity-forms/
For the font size, Rob is right: we need more detail. Which text do you want to increase in size. Tell us exactly and we will help you target that text specifically.
ok, thank you for the countrys i let that be!
the rows yes, if you look here
you see here products in one row
first question could i give a second row with the products
left Ribiselessig right Fichtenspiezen-Essig
and could i add pictures to the products?
this text i will make bigger
Melisse-Minze-Essig 0,25 l
Preis: 2,50 € Menge:
ok i got it now
and right
ok, it work
now my question if i have product group can i give more space between a product up and down?
thank you
You can add an HTML field in the form builder after the products you want to space, and insert a spacer div like this:
That will put 20px of vertical space wherever you insert that HTML field in your form.