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gather entry form with label name instead of id#

  1. My process is: Create gravity form, then create a hook gform_after_submission_# function and send the form data to the CRM we use (marketo). I capture the fields using the $entry[x] object. Unfortunately I have to create a function for each form since the ID#s for each field may vary from form to form. Is there another way to pass/capture/retrieve the $entry[x] without using the ID#. LIke using the admin label, or some label? My ultimate goal is to just create one function that handles the form instead of doing it by hand. Thanks.

    Or, i know there was talk about ability to send form data to another site in a future release. Is that feature coming soon? Thanks.

    I can clarify if needed.

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday December 2, 2011 | Permalink
  2. Hi dtelepathy,

    Assuming all the desired fields share the same field labels in their respective forms, you can setup your function to loop through all the fields of the form when it is submitted. Depending on the field label, it grabs that field id from the entry and stores it with it's respective data. Here is a snippet:

    Posted 12 years ago on Friday December 2, 2011 | Permalink

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