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Get & display external data from a new WP db table?

  1. Hi there,
    I have a new project that I may be able to use gravity forms for & I was just wondering if you might be able to quickly tell me if this scenario would work (I'm more of a designer than developer so would prefer an off the self solution not requiring too much coding).

    I have had a script written to upload external data to a new table;

    Table ERA_Data

    Field Type Length
    PartNo String 20
    Qavl Number
    Make String 100
    Carline String 100
    Model String 100
    Description String 200
    Long_Description String 200
    Extra_Description String 200
    Start_Year Number
    End_Year Number

    It's simple text based stuff, but what I need now is some way to get the data out of the db & display it on-page with perhaps a simple search option.
    Is this something I could achieve with Gravity forms?
    Thanks for your time,

    Posted 11 years ago on Tuesday November 13, 2012 | Permalink